Our Blog
Why Do I Need an SSL Certificate?
SSL certificates are not an obscure component of successful websites. You’ve probably seen their padlock symbols in the URL bar before. But for some reason, they are strikingly absent from the websites of my neighbors in Louisville, and even around the world. These...
What are Backlinks? How Do I get them?
If you have a website and are interested in more people visiting it, then you most likely want backlinks. It is foundational to effective SEO strategies and can make or break your rankings when competing, but this doesn't mean you should be spending all your time on...
Why Doesn’t My Website Grow My Business? Here’s Why.
If you’re even here, I probably don’t need to explain to you what a well-made website can potentially do for you and your business, but I will tell you why it isn’t meeting any of your expectations. I’ve dealt with this before, and I know how frustrating it can be....